The battle between the Carcharodontosaurus and the Paralititan would be like a fight between a sumo wrestler and a lightweight boxer. The Carcharodontosaurus was aggressive, but would quick speed be any match for the size of the Paralititan? The answer is: no. The Paralititan would have won any day.
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Battle Facts about Carcharodontosaurus vs. Paralititan

Name | Carcharodontosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, “shark-toothed lizard” | Paralititan, Paralititan stromeri, “tidal giant” |
Size | 45 feet long, 25,000 pounds | 88 feet long, 120,000 pounds |
Speed | 20 mph | 3-5 mph |
Offense | Razor-sharp teeth, thick skin | Enormous size |
Defense | Quick movements | Massive size, has thick skin |
Endurance and Behavior | A very aggressive carnivore with quick speeds | Slow-moving herbivore |
The Carcharodontosaurus and the Paralititan were two very different dinos. The Carcharodontosaurus was a strong, fast apex theropod, while the Paralititan was a massive yet gentle sauropod that only ate plants.
The Carcharodontosaurus was aggressive, but the Paralititan was one of the biggest sauropods to walk planet Earth. So, who would win the battle: the fierce, shark-toothed dinosaur or the colossal tidal giant?
What was the difference between Carcharodontosaurus and Paralititan?
The Carcharodontosaurus and Paralititan were two entirely different dinos. The Carcharodontosaurus was an aggressive carnivorous theropod dinosaur with sharp claws and razor-sharp teeth. The Paralititan was a gentle herbivorous sauropod dinosaur.
The Carcharodontosaurus stalked its prey, used its sharp teeth to dig into the flesh of smaller dinosaurs, and sometimes scavenged dinos that were already dead. The Paralititan used its long neck to pluck the leaves off nearby trees.
While the difference between the Carcharodontosaurus and Paralititan was like night and day, these two dinos were neighbors. The Paralititan lived in the late Cretaceous period in modern-day Egypt, while the Carcharodontosaurus lived simultaneously in North Africa.
Who was bigger, the Carcharodontosaurus or the Paralititan?

Hands down, the Paralititan was bigger by a landslide. The Carcharodontosaurus was a large theropod over 45 feet long and weighed 33,000 pounds. To put that into perspective, the T-Rex was 40 feet long and weighed about 15,000 pounds.
While the Carcharodontosaurus was even bigger than a Tyrannosaurus Rex, or an Allosaurus, its size didn’t hold a candle to the massive Paralititan.
The Paralititan was one of the largest sauropods to walk planet Earth. Some grew to over 80 feet long and could weigh up to 120,000 pounds (or 60 tonnes)! The Paralititan was as long as the White House and weighed about the same as a crane barge.
Who was Stronger: the Paralititan or the Carcharodontosaurus?
Overall, the Carcharodontosaurus was stronger than the Paralititan. As an aggressive theropod (like the Spinosaurus or other Jurassic dinos), it had a strong jaw and razor-sharp teeth like a Sarcosuchus.
The Carcharodontosaurus had a bite force of 3,000 pounds per square inch. Its bite force was so brutal that it could crush a car in its powerful jaws. While its bite was intense, sinking its teeth into a massive Paralititan would be like spitting into the ocean.
Which dino was the most ferocious, the Carcharodontosaurus or the Paralititan?

Paleontologists believe that the Carcharodontosaurus was an incredibly aggressive dinosaur. It had powerful back legs that could propel it forward at speeds up to 20 miles per hour. As a carnivore, it ate smaller dinosaurs like the Brachiosaurus, Saltasaurus, Stegosaurus, and Edmontosaurus.
The Paralititan, on the other hand, was a gentle giant that didn’t bother other dinosaurs. And because of its size, other dinos usually left it alone to eat in peace.
Who would win the Carcharodontosaurus vs. Paralititan battle?
In the battle between the Carcharodontosaurus vs. Paralititan, the Paralititan would walk away as the winner, even though it wasn’t an aggressive dinosaur. Apex predators like the Tarbosaurus, Mapusaurus, Albertosaurus, and other Carcharodontosaurids knew better than to tango with the massive Paralititan.
The Carcharodontosaurus could land a few bites into the skin of the Paralititan, but one step from the Paralititan could crush the bones of the Carcharodontosaurus.