Suchomimus vs. Styracosaurus: Suchomimus for the win!

Suchomimus vs. Styracosaurus
Despite its horns and protective neck frills, a Styracosaurus had little chance of surviving a battle with a Suchomimus. The Styracosaurus could have gotten away sometimes or even hoped to injure the giant Suchomimus. Luckily for the Styracosaurus, the Suchomimus lived in the Early Cretaceous period.

Battle Facts about Suchomimus vs. Styracosaurus

Suchomimus vs. Styracosaurus
Suchomimus vs. Styracosaurus
NameSuchomimus (Suchomimus tenerensis)Styracosaurus (Styracosaurus albertensis)
Size31-36 feet long, 9-11 feet tall16-18 feet long, 6-8 feet tall
Speed21 mph20 mph
OffenseBite force of 2,980 poundsHorns on the front and back of the head, long nose horn
DefenseGood swimmerFrills and horns, strong enough to shove predators
Endurance and BehaviorComfortable on land or in waterAlways on the move in large herds

Styracosaurus vs. Suchomimus would be far from a fair fight, but that’s part of being a prey animal. Even though the Suchomimus had all the advantages, the Styracosaurus wasn’t completely helpless. Still, the Suchomimus would win most of the dinosaur battles between these two.

What type of Dino was the Suchomimus?


The Suchomimus was a carnivore from the Spinosauridae family. This titan of Early Cretaceous Africa was closely related to the massive Spinosaurus. Like the Spinosaurus, the Suchomimus was comfortable on land or in the water.

The Suchomimus was related to a few species of our favorite carnivores. These include:

What type of Dino was the Styracosaurus?


The Styracosaurus was a Ceratopsian dino. This is the same family of dino that Triceratops belongs to. The Styracosaurus was also related to Psittacosaurus, Sinoceratops, and Protoceratops dinos.

The Styracosaurus looked a lot like a rhinoceros. It had a beak-like mouth and a long nose horn. The Styracosaurus wasn’t very big, but it was heavy and strong.

Styracosaurus vs. Suchomimus: Which Dino was Bigger?

The Suchomimus was a lot bigger than the Styracosaurus. The Suchomimus was twice as long and about 3 feet taller than the Styracosaurus. It was also a lot heavier.

The Suchomimus’ size makes it hard for the Styracosaurus to win a dinosaur battle. Styraco was strong, but Sucho was huge.

What was the main difference between Suchomimus and Styracosaurus?

The Suchomimus was a Theropod dino and the Styrarcosaurus was a Ceratopsian dino. Theropods were carnivores that moved on two legs. Ceratopsians were herbivores that moved on four legs.

Theropods species contained diverse carnivores, from small dinos like the turkey-sized Velociraptor to the massive Tyrannosaurus rex. You might recognize some of our favorite Theropods:

  • Carnotaurus
  • Ceratosaurus
  • Deinonychus
  • Gallimimus
  • Majungasaurus
  • Therizinosaurus

Ceratopsian dinos all looked very similar to the Triceratops. Sometimes Ceratopsians like Sinoceratops and Styracosaurus are confused with Triceratops. But every Ceratopsian dino had slightly different horns and neck frills, giving them all their unique look.

Who was Faster, Suchomimus or Styracosaurus?

Technically, the Suchomimus was slightly faster than the Styracosaurus. The Suchomimus is believed to have a top speed of 21 mph. The Styracosaurus could probably run about 20 mph.

However, top speed isn’t the only thing to consider. Since the Styracosaurus ran on four legs and was lighter, the Styracosaurus could probably run at top speed for a lot longer than the Suchomimus. We know this partly because large Theropods like an Allosaurus show fossil evidence of stress fractures from their own weight.

How Did Styracosaurus Protect Itself from Large Predators?

The Styracosaurus didn’t live in the same place and time as the Suchomimus, but there were plenty of other predators for the Styracosaurus to avoid. Like many herbivores, the Styracosaurus lived in large herds for protection. One the Styracosaurus might not be able to beat a large carnivore, but a herd of the Styracosauruses could!

Herbivore dinos also mixed herds. A mixed herd is when different species live near each other for protection or food. A dino herd might have huge dinos like a Brachiosaurus living with smaller Pachycephalosauruses or Ankylosauruses. Safety in numbers was an herbivore survival method millions of years ago.

Suchomimus vs. Styracosaurus: Who Would Win the Dinosaur Battle?

The Suchomimus would win the dinosaur battle vs. Styracosaurus. The Styraco might be able to escape or fight back, but the Suchomimus had many advantages. Even if the Styracosaurus tried to push the Suchomimus over, that tactic might not work.

Since the Suchomimus had longer and more useful forearms, the Styracosaurus couldn’t use the same tactics to win. The Styracosaurus’ only chance at surviving this battle was to get a head start and keep running. Outrunning the Suchomimus would keep the Styracosaurus from becoming a meal.

Vianna Arenas

Vianna Arenas is an enthusiastic seeker of knowledge, nature lover, and history buff. When she's not writing about dinosaurs, you can find her camping and hiking with her family.

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