Tarbosaurus vs. Tarchia: Armor vs. Teeth

Tarbosaurus vs. Tarchia
Asian dinosaurs Tarbosaurus and Tarchia roamed Mongolia during the Late Cretaceous Period. Tarbosaurus is a Tyrannosaurid Theropod dinosaur closely related to Tyrannosaurus rex. Tarchia is related to Ankylosaurus with a tail club. These two dinosaurs clashed often, and the Tarbosaurus wasn’t always the clear winner.

Battle Facts about Tarbosaurus & Tarchia

Tarbosaurus vs. Tarchia
Tarbosaurus vs. Tarchia
NameTarbosaurus (Tarbosaurus bataar)Tarchia (Tarchia kielanae)
Size33 feet long, 11-12 feet tall22-29 feet long, 8-10 feet tall
Speed25 mph6-10 mph

OffenseQuick bursts of speed and razor-sharp teethArmored skin
DefenseLocking lower jaw, and thick, powerful legsTail club
Endurance and BehaviorCould sprint up to 25 mph for short distancesMoved in herds for safety

Tarbosaurus and Tarchia lived in what is now Mongolia, Asia, during the Late Cretaceous Period. Fossil evidence from the Nemegt Formation shows plenty of dinosaur battles between Tarbo and Tarchia. Tarbo, the vicious carnivore, had sharp teeth and was fast on its feet, but Tarchia’s armor and tail club meant Tarchia was never an easy meal.

Could a Tarchia Handle the Bite Force of a Tarbosaurus?


Tarchia’s armored back was made of thick, hard bones called osteoderms. These armored plates were very tough. Tarchia was also very wide, which kept Tarbosaurus from putting its mouth over the Tarchia. Since Tarbosaur’s strength was in the lower jaw, there was no way to get the full bite force of 8,000-10,000 pounds over the armored plates.

Tarbosaurs only have two places where they could bite Tarchia and cause maximum damage: Tarchia’s head and soft underbelly. But paleontologists named Tarchia “brainy one” for a reason. Tarchia would lower itself to protect its soft underside and use its tail club to swing at Tarbosaurus.

Who was Stronger, a Tarbosaurus or Tarchia?

Tarbosaurus and Tarchia were both strong in different ways. Tarbosaurs had a strong bite force, thick legs, and sharp teeth. Tarchia’s armor was incredibly strong, and Tarchia could use its spiked head to push Tarbosaurus over. This is the same defense Triceratops used against Tyrannosaurs.

Since Tarbo and Tarchia had different strengths, it’s impossible to say who was stronger. They were evenly matched with similar sizes, weights, and advantages. Since plenty of smaller dinosaurs were alive at the same time as Tarbosaurus, Tarbo had plenty of vulnerable prey to choose from.

Who was Faster, a Tarchia or Tarbosaurus?


Tarbosaurus was much faster than Tarchia. Tarbosaurus could run up to 25 mph. Tarchia is estimated to reach speeds of only 6-10 mph.

But Tarchia had stamina, and Tarbo was more of a sprinter. Like most herbivores, Tarchia walked and ate for most of their waking hours. Tarbo only used their speed when hunting. This means that Tarbosaurus could outrun Tarchia, but only for a few minutes.

What other dinosaurs did Tarbosaurus and Tarchia live with?

Velociraptors lived in the same area and time period as Tarbosaurus and Tarchia. Another raptor, Adasaurus, lived in Mongolia during the Late Cretaceous Period. Herbivores Therizinosaurus and a smaller Ankylosaurus called Saichania were also among the dinosaurs alive during Tarbo and Tarchia’s lifespan.

Carnotaurus and T-rex were also alive when Tarbo and Tarchia roamed Mongolia but were on different continents. Carnotaurus lived in South America. T-rex ruled North America.

Even though Tarbosaurus was one of the biggest threats faced by Tarchia, most fossil evidence shows that Tarbosaurus scavenged Tarchia carcasses. That means Tarchia was probably not safe from Tarbo.

Who would win the fight?

As dinosaur battles go, the fight between Tarbo and Tarchia was fair, and both dinosaurs won and lost many times. Tarchia with damaged skulls and Tarbosaurs with broken femurs from the Tarchia’s tail club have also been found.

Vianna Arenas

Vianna Arenas is an enthusiastic seeker of knowledge, nature lover, and history buff. When she's not writing about dinosaurs, you can find her camping and hiking with her family.

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