Tyrannosaurus rex vs. Carcharodontosaurus: battle facts

Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Carcharodontosaurus
T-rex was stronger than Carcharodontosaurus. It had a stronger bite force and teeth meant for crushing bone. Carcharodontosaurus was fast, but with its heavy bones and less agile body, the more primitive Carcharodontosaurus would lose most of the battles.

Battle Facts about Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Carcharodontosaurus

Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Carcharodontosaurus
Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Carcharodontosaurus
NameT-rex (Tyrannosaurus rex)Carcharodontosaurus (Carcharodontosaurus saharicus)
Size40 feet long, 12-13 feet tall39-41 feet long, 14 feet tall
Speed17-20 mph20 mph
OffenseSpeed, stamina, and strong bite forceTeeth made for slicing flesh
DefenseSize and speedSharp claws on its forelimbs, swinging heavy tail
Endurance and BehaviorHad a strong sense of smell, excellent hearing, and visionHad an excellent vision

Tyrannosaurus Rex and Carcharodontosaurus were carnivorous dinosaurs. T-rex lived in North America, and Carcharodontosaurus lived in Africa. These Cretaceous period dinos looked similar on the outside but had completely different bones, teeth, and brains!

Were the T-rex and the Carcharodontosaurus Related?

Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex

T-rex and Carcharodontosaurus might look very similar, but they were not related. The T-rex was a Tyrannosaurid dino. The Carcharodontosaurus was a Carcharodontosaurid dino.

The Carcharodontosaurus was closely related to a Jurassic Carnosaur called Allosaurus. Carnosaurs should not be confused with Carnotaurus of South America. The Carnotaurus is another giant Theropod dinosaur but from a different subfamily.

The Carcharodontosaurus was also related to an Acrocanthosaurus, a Giganotosaurus, and a Mapusaurus. What’s more, even though a Tyrannotitan’s name sounds like it should be a Tyrannosaur, the Tyrannotitan was also related to the Carcharodontosaurus and not the T-rex.

On the other hand, the T-rex is a descendant of a Tarbosaurus. The Tarbosaurus lived in Asia’s Late Cretaceous period from 72-68 million years ago. The Tarbosaurus shared its home with several types of raptors, including Velociraptors.

Tyrannosaurus rex vs. Carcharodontosaurus: What Were the Differences?

The Carcharodontosaurus had heavy bones making it about twice as heavy as T-rex. Unfortunately, heavier bones meant more fractures. Many of the Carcharodontosaurus fossils had stress fractures in their legs and ankles that had healed.

The Carcharodontosaurus had a smaller brain and differently shaped teeth than the T-rex. The Carcharodontosaurus’s teeth were made for ripping and tearing. The T-rex’s teeth and its powerful jaw could crush bones!

Who had a stronger bite?

The T-rex had a much stronger bite than most dinos. The Carcharodontosaurus’s bite force was 3,000 pounds. The T-rex’s bite force was an amazing 12,814 pounds!

The Carcharodontosaurus had long, dagger-like teeth that pointed inward. These teeth were great for shredding flesh. The T-rex had about 50-60 thick, serrated teeth packed closely together. As the largest carnivore in North America, the T-rex used its bone-crushing bite to eat whatever it wanted.

Were they carnivores?

Both dinos were carnivores. Carcharodontosaurus ate Sauropods and other herbivores like Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus. They even fed on other carnivores.

T-rex ate Hadrosaurs, Ankylosaurus, Triceratops, and other smaller carnivores.

Who was Bigger, the T-rex or the Carcharodontosaurus?


The Carcharodontosaurus was bigger than the T-rex. Estimates range from 39-41 up to 44 feet long! Only incomplete fossils of the Carcharodontosaurus have been found. Thus the measurements vary. There’s always a chance scientists will find more fossils in the future and know exactly how big this dino was.

The T-rex was 40 feet long and 12-13 feet tall. That’s 1-2 feet shorter than the Carcharodontosaurus. That doesn’t seem like a big difference, but the Carcharodontosaurus was heavy-boned and almost twice as heavy as the T-rex!

What Strengths and Weaknesses did the T-rex and the Carcharodontosaurus have?

The T-rex had a much stronger bite force, but the Carcharodontosaurus was bigger and heavier. Both dinos had a binocular vision like humans, which made them better at finding prey. The Carcharodontosaurus was slightly faster, but the T-rex was smarter and more agile.

Even though the Carcharodontosaurus had a weaker bite force, it was an excellent hunter. It even hunted the bigger, stronger Spinosaurus. A Spino had a stronger bite force than the Carcharodontosaurus, but somehow the Carcharodontosaurus could still sometimes overpower it.

Who Would Win the Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Carcharodontosaurus Battle?

Tyrannosaurus rex vs. Carcharodontosaurus would be an equal dino battle, but the T-rex had a bigger advantage. These Theropod dinosaurs both had amazing adaptations that made them great fighters. Both dinos could win, but there was also a chance that both dinos would die from their injuries.

The T-rex’s stronger bite force gave it an advantage, but the Carcharodontosaurus’s size and strength would make it hard for the T-rex to get its teeth on the Carcharodontosaurus.

The Carcharodontosaurus could use its speed to escape the T-rex or its thick, heavy tail to swipe it off its feet. Once the T-rex was on its side, the tiny arms made it hard to get back up.

But the T-rex was lighter and could jump on the Carcharodontosaurus. With its back claws sunk into its prey, all T-rex had to do was deliver one crushing bite to the neck. The T-rex could bite the Carcharodontosaurus and save itself even on its side and fighting to live.

Vianna Arenas

Vianna Arenas is an enthusiastic seeker of knowledge, nature lover, and history buff. When she's not writing about dinosaurs, you can find her camping and hiking with her family.

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